Lavender-Rosemary Salt


Elevate your culinary adventures with our hand-blended Rosemary and Lavender Salt. Meticulously crafted from unrefined mineral salt and hand-harvested lavender from Somerset Lavender fields, this exquisite blend offers a symphony of flavors. Perfect for steak and poultry, its robust rosemary notes and soothing lavender undertones enhance the natural goodness of your dishes. Immerse yourself in a world of culinary excellence with every sprinkle.

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Elevate your culinary adventures with our hand-blended Rosemary and Lavender Salt. Meticulously crafted from unrefined mineral salt and hand-harvested lavender from Somerset Lavender fields, this exquisite blend offers a symphony of flavors. Perfect for steak and poultry, its robust rosemary notes and soothing lavender undertones enhance the natural goodness of your dishes. Immerse yourself in a world of culinary excellence with every sprinkle.

Elevate your culinary adventures with our hand-blended Rosemary and Lavender Salt. Meticulously crafted from unrefined mineral salt and hand-harvested lavender from Somerset Lavender fields, this exquisite blend offers a symphony of flavors. Perfect for steak and poultry, its robust rosemary notes and soothing lavender undertones enhance the natural goodness of your dishes. Immerse yourself in a world of culinary excellence with every sprinkle.

Culinary Lavender Buds
Lavender Hot Cocoa Mix
Lavender Lemonade Mix
Earl Grey & Lavender Tea (Caffeinated)
Chai & Lavender Tea